Léonard T. Foujita 藤田嗣治
母子 Woman and Child, 1961
紙上油畫和金箔 Oil painting & gold foil on paper
55.5 x 38.5 cm
Copyright The Artist
藤田嗣治是二十世紀初「巴黎畫派」中最特別的藝術家之一。二戰結束後,他永久離開祖國日本,重返法國,並於1955年成為法國公民。1959年,藤田皈依天主教,此後開始創作更多宗教主題畫作。 Foujita is one of the most special artists in The School of Paris during the early 20th century. After the World War II, he permanently left his home country...
Foujita is one of the most special artists in The School of Paris during the early 20th century. After the World War II, he permanently left his home country Japan, returned back to France and became a French citizen in 1955. In 1959, he converted to Catholicism, after which he increasingly began to adopt religious subject matter.
Foujita is one of the most special artists in The School of Paris during the early 20th century. After the World War II, he permanently left his home country Japan, returned back to France and became a French citizen in 1955. In 1959, he converted to Catholicism, after which he increasingly began to adopt religious subject matter.