Alixe Fu 傅慶豊
藝妓 A Geisha , 2007
Fiberglass, Acrylic
63 x 56 x 182.5 cm
71 7/8 x 24 3/4 x 22 1/8 in
71 7/8 x 24 3/4 x 22 1/8 in
傅慶豊的足跡遍布台北,巴黎,紐約,北京,名古屋,香港等地,包括個展,群展和雙年展。參加巴黎大皇宮「秋季」, 「五月」,「青年繪畫」,「獨立」,「比較」等沙龍展;台北市立美術館的「前衛·裝置·空間」,「新繪畫大展」,「現代雕塑特展」,「現代繪畫新展望」,「風格22」,「新具象 繪畫展」,「當代抽像畫展」,「台北雙年展」;蓬皮杜藝術中心「天安門,我不會忘記你」,上海美術館「上海雙年展」等。 Fu’s exhibitions took place in Paris, New York, Beijing, France, Japan, and Taiwan, including group exhibitions and biennales such as “Salon de la jeune Peinture”, “Salon d’automne”,...
傅慶豊的足跡遍布台北,巴黎,紐約,北京,名古屋,香港等地,包括個展,群展和雙年展。參加巴黎大皇宮「秋季」, 「五月」,「青年繪畫」,「獨立」,「比較」等沙龍展;台北市立美術館的「前衛·裝置·空間」,「新繪畫大展」,「現代雕塑特展」,「現代繪畫新展望」,「風格22」,「新具象 繪畫展」,「當代抽像畫展」,「台北雙年展」;蓬皮杜藝術中心「天安門,我不會忘記你」,上海美術館「上海雙年展」等。
Fu’s exhibitions took place in Paris, New York, Beijing, France, Japan, and Taiwan, including group exhibitions and biennales such as “Salon de la jeune Peinture”, “Salon d’automne”, “Salon de mai”, “Salon des indépendants” at the Grand Palais, and “Abstract Painting”, “Avant-Garde, Installation, “Space”, “New Painting”, “Contemporary Art Trend”, “Style-22”, “New Representational Painting”, “Taipei Biennale” at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, “Tian An Men, je n’oublie pas” at Centre Georges-Pompidou, “Shanghai Biennale” at the Shanghai Fine Arts Museum, etc.
Fu’s exhibitions took place in Paris, New York, Beijing, France, Japan, and Taiwan, including group exhibitions and biennales such as “Salon de la jeune Peinture”, “Salon d’automne”, “Salon de mai”, “Salon des indépendants” at the Grand Palais, and “Abstract Painting”, “Avant-Garde, Installation, “Space”, “New Painting”, “Contemporary Art Trend”, “Style-22”, “New Representational Painting”, “Taipei Biennale” at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, “Tian An Men, je n’oublie pas” at Centre Georges-Pompidou, “Shanghai Biennale” at the Shanghai Fine Arts Museum, etc.