Alixe Fu 傅慶豊
植物人世界 四 Plante-homme IV, 2000
Acrylic, Chinese
Ink, Paper on Canvas
Ink, Paper on Canvas
116 x 89 cm
45 5/8 x 35 1/8 in
45 5/8 x 35 1/8 in
“每個生命都有黑夜,光明前很抽象!” 傅慶豊2000年開始在布面上使用彩墨和丙烯、宣紙…等多材質表現,隨後巴黎、台北個展外,法國中南部大城辦多次個展,如同日本連續三年在不同地方辦個展三次,這是繼紐約個展十年後再次不同國度展覽和旅行經驗,撒哈拉沙漠無帳篷旅行影響至深。 “There is darkness in life, it is abstract before the brightness!” Started from 2000, Alixe Fu started to use different media such as color ink, acrylic and rice...
“There is darkness in life, it is abstract before the brightness!”
Started from 2000, Alixe Fu started to use different media such as color ink, acrylic and rice paper etc.… Apart from solo exhibitions in Paris and Taipei, also numbers of solo exhibitions were held in the Mid-Southern France. Similar to hold three exhibitions in different places of Japan for three consecutive years. It is another experience holding exhibitions and travelling in different countries after the solo exhibition in New York ten years ago. What affected me the most was the tentless travel in the Sahara Desert.
“There is darkness in life, it is abstract before the brightness!”
Started from 2000, Alixe Fu started to use different media such as color ink, acrylic and rice paper etc.… Apart from solo exhibitions in Paris and Taipei, also numbers of solo exhibitions were held in the Mid-Southern France. Similar to hold three exhibitions in different places of Japan for three consecutive years. It is another experience holding exhibitions and travelling in different countries after the solo exhibition in New York ten years ago. What affected me the most was the tentless travel in the Sahara Desert.