Léonard T. Foujita 藤田嗣治
Pigeons, 1920
Watercolour, Gouache and Ink on Paper水彩、水粉及水墨紙本
32.3 x 48.4 cm
Copyright The Artist
藤田嗣治作為二十世紀初「巴黎畫派」中最特別的藝術家之一,他將日本傳統繪畫精緻而蜿蜒的線條及東方的留白空間哲思融入油畫創作,以標誌性的技法、浪漫的色彩以及作品中獨特的東方審美使其在大師輩出的「巴黎畫派」中出類拔萃,奠定其重要的國際藝壇地位。 As one of the most special artists in The School of Paris during the early 20th century, Foujita combined the delicate lines in Japanese traditional paintings and blank philosophy...
As one of the most special artists in The School of Paris during the early 20th century, Foujita combined the delicate lines in Japanese traditional paintings and blank philosophy to the creation of oil paintings. His featuring techniques, romantic application of color, and his unique oriental aesthetics made him stand out from the other masters in The School of Paris and helped him established his influence in the international art world.
As one of the most special artists in The School of Paris during the early 20th century, Foujita combined the delicate lines in Japanese traditional paintings and blank philosophy to the creation of oil paintings. His featuring techniques, romantic application of color, and his unique oriental aesthetics made him stand out from the other masters in The School of Paris and helped him established his influence in the international art world.