Art in Time of Plague
Online ExhibitionApril 22, 2020ART IN TIME OF PLAGUE 2020 Under the circumstances where the COVID-19 virus is spreading worldwide, Amanda Wei Gallery decided to launch this group exhibition...Read more譚平 | Tan Ping
現代性的抽象探索 | Abstract Exploration of ModernityMarch 24, 2020譚平作品室內效果圖 Interior effect image of Tan Ping's artwork 譚平的作品具有強烈的「無目的的合目的性」特徵,非常強調潛意識行為在創作過程中的作用。藝術家在繪畫過程中,不斷簡化與藝術表達無關的元素,直至拋棄物象,走向純粹抽象。同時,他關注抽象繪畫背後的觀念,使作品本身呈現更清晰的價值觀。 Tan Ping’s artwork has a strong feature of “no purpose coincides with the purpose” which emphasizes...Read more