Lai Chi Man 黎志文
圓方Circle and Square, 2014
Acrylic on Paper
Acrylic on Paper
110 x 79 cm
作品呼應著《圓方》雕塑,以「紙上操作」的方式表現「天圓地方」的概念。 藝術家通過簡單的線條,描繪出圓形跟方形特點: 弧和角。作品以雙連畫的方式表現,以上圓下方的形式合併兩個畫面,回應作品帶出的概念。 The artwork echoes with the sculpture “Circle and Square”, reflecting the ancient Chinese concept of “round heaven and flat earth” on paper. The artist used simple lines...
藝術家通過簡單的線條,描繪出圓形跟方形特點: 弧和角。作品以雙連畫的方式表現,以上圓下方的形式合併兩個畫面,回應作品帶出的概念。
The artwork echoes with the sculpture “Circle and Square”, reflecting the ancient Chinese concept of “round heaven and flat earth” on paper.
The artist used simple lines to depict the features of circle and square – arcs and corners. The work is expressed in the form of diptych, consisting of the circle on top and square on the bottom, reflecting the concept brought out by the artwork.
藝術家通過簡單的線條,描繪出圓形跟方形特點: 弧和角。作品以雙連畫的方式表現,以上圓下方的形式合併兩個畫面,回應作品帶出的概念。
The artwork echoes with the sculpture “Circle and Square”, reflecting the ancient Chinese concept of “round heaven and flat earth” on paper.
The artist used simple lines to depict the features of circle and square – arcs and corners. The work is expressed in the form of diptych, consisting of the circle on top and square on the bottom, reflecting the concept brought out by the artwork.