Amanda Wei Gallery is pleased to present you "Kaleido" - the solo exhibition of Taiwanese artist Liu Shih-Tung. This will be Liu Shih-Tung's first exhibition in Hong Kong, and we're beyond happy to share his unique works with the public!


Famous for his collages, Liu not only has a profound academic background and artistic skills, but he also mastered traditional paper-cutting art. He collects materials from daily life like newspapers and magazines and turns them into literary landscape scenes by clever improvisation.


During this process, the collage techniques present the mingling between those rich textures and visually fragmented images, creating a deepening of color and space. While it looks like the scenery of flowers and birds from the distance, the arrangement of images in a closer look may make you smile. These special techniques involve comprehension and interpretation of contemporary life. Through Liu’s images, they give a various level of meaning to both the scenery or still life themes.


In recent years, the rapid development of technology and society have given rise to human continuous craving towards new things. Therefore, Traditional painting can no longer satisfy contemporary artists’ aspiration towards new media, making the fusion of new ideas and various media a predominant trend. Liu combines contemporary thoughts and traditional techniques to create artworks based on historical culture and his very own experience.

By giving new meaning to existing objects through capturing, restructuring, and reconstruction, Liu breaks the boundary of the flat space of painting.


“To me, every object has infinite possibility.
Continuous experimenting and exploring the nature of development and presentation of things is also a repeated challenge to my understanding of the world. This kind of practice has become important not only in my creation, but also in my daily life.”

- Liu Shih-Tung


As the first solo exhibition of Liu Shih-Tung, the exhibition “Kaleido” will showcase eight artworks alongside an installation to the audience, which are Liu’s latest works from 2017 to 2018. The works are infused with the composition of Chinese traditional painting and elements of the Bible. Liu compares traditional culture with existing objects, building a subtle connection which permeates a balance between traditional and contemporary vision.