Tan Ping 譚平
Drawing 素描, 2014
79 x 109 cm
Copyright The Artist
“筆下的碳條從畫面任意一點出發,沒有預設指向,任其自由生長,直至畫筆遊走至一個脆弱的瞬間與我相遇。在崩裂的塗繪聲中,線條,猝不及防的抵達與我的內心坦誠相見。一種令人振奮的內在體驗。我時刻期待這樣的偶遇。偶遇如同時間的切片,不可重複也無從選擇。然而,累積的碎片與重疊的瞬間,卻可以激發一個藝術家無限的生機與創造力。” “The charcoal started randomly from any position, without a preset point and I just let it grow freely until the charcoal strip became fragile and ‘met’ me. With the...
“The charcoal started randomly from any position, without a preset point and I just let it grow freely until the charcoal strip became fragile and ‘met’ me. With the cracking sound of the strip, the lines and its unexpected arrival have met me sincerely deep inside my heart. This was an exhilarating spiritual experience. I always look forward to such kind of encounter. Encounter is like a slice of time, which cannot be repeated or chosen. However, the accumulated fragments and overlapped moments can inspire an artist’s never-ending vitality and creativity.”
“The charcoal started randomly from any position, without a preset point and I just let it grow freely until the charcoal strip became fragile and ‘met’ me. With the cracking sound of the strip, the lines and its unexpected arrival have met me sincerely deep inside my heart. This was an exhilarating spiritual experience. I always look forward to such kind of encounter. Encounter is like a slice of time, which cannot be repeated or chosen. However, the accumulated fragments and overlapped moments can inspire an artist’s never-ending vitality and creativity.”