Belin, 2018

西班牙街頭藝術家Miguel Angel Belinchon(Belin),擅長超現實的繪畫風格,期後在創作中更融合了立體主義,帶給人們全新的藝術視覺並推動了立體主義的發展。他的創作充滿豐富的想像力,加上深厚的繪畫功底,作品深受藝術愛好者和收藏家的喜愛。Belin自2013年起參與了世界各地的展覽,在西班牙、美國等地都能欣賞到他的作品。圖冊中包含了Belin的繪畫及街頭藝術作品,一同進入Belin的超現實世界。


Miguel Angel Belinchon(Belin) is a street artist from Spain. He is good at surrealism painting style and integrates Cubist style in his work. He opens up a whole new art perspective and promoted the development of Cubism. His works are full of imagination, with profound drawing skills, his artworks become popular among art enthusiasts and collectors. Belin had participated in exhibitions in different countries since 2013 and his works can be found in the United States and Spain nowadays. The photo album included Belin’s works on canvas and street, bringing us to his surrealist world.