La French Touch

Cyril Kongo
Cyril Kongo, 2017

Cyril Kongo是一位巴黎早期的塗鴉藝術家,他的作品表演出他的經歷發對人生的願景,抽象的字體、自然流動的線條及高彩度的色彩是你作品的特色,他的作品總是帶出祝福及和平的訊息。在創作的同時,Kango積極推廣塗鴉藝術,舉辦免費塗鴉工作坊予大眾,讓塗鴉藝術得以普及。Kango參與了不同於亞洲及歐洲等地舉辦的展覽,是其中一位有影響力的塗鴉畫家畫冊中展示了Kango塗鴉作品,一同感受作品中的正能量。


Cyril Kongo is the first generation of graffiti artist in Paris. His works show his experiences and vision of life. The characteristic of his works included abstract calligraphy, fluid and spontaneous line, vivid color. Besides creating, Kango organized free graffiti workshops to promote this art form to the public. He also participated in different exhibitions in Asia and Europe, became one of the influential graffiti artists. The book shows Kango’s works and we can get an abundance of positive energy from his work.