Alixe Fu 傅慶豊
七爺 General Hsieh, 2005
Acrylic, Chinese
Ink, Paper on Canvas
Ink, Paper on Canvas
97 x 162 cm
63 3/4 x 38 1/4 in
63 3/4 x 38 1/4 in
植物人動物人系列(1997~2005)年傅慶豊榮獲台灣屏北高中公共藝術,短暫結束長期的巴黎人生活回到台灣工作,台灣到處是廟宇尤其南部地區工,民間宗教活動頻繁,南部人的熱情和親切讓人重拾童年燦爛的笑容,重溫昔日民間信仰生活,熟悉的場景和感覺在屏北高中提供的工作室(教室)創作,在近一年時間除了完成公共藝術外,也畫了兩件作品"七爺"、"八爺"(又稱舞藝)。其中"七爺"作品彰顯民間信仰神明,色彩鮮明、獨特造型,重迭和律動身軀完美搭配,極具聲光效果及時間脈動。 Fu came back to Taiwan from Paris in 2005, Taiwan is filled with temples, especially in the southern region, and religious activities are frequent. Enthusiasm and kindness of people...
Fu came back to Taiwan from Paris in 2005, Taiwan is filled with temples, especially in the southern region, and religious activities are frequent. Enthusiasm and kindness of people to bring back happiness in childhood. Reminding the life in the past, familiar scenes and feelings in the studio, in addition to making public art, Fu painted "General Hsieh". "General Hsieh "highlights the folk beliefs, the colors are distinct, the unique shape, the overlap and the rhythm of the body are perfectly matched, with great sound and light effects and time pulsation.
Fu came back to Taiwan from Paris in 2005, Taiwan is filled with temples, especially in the southern region, and religious activities are frequent. Enthusiasm and kindness of people to bring back happiness in childhood. Reminding the life in the past, familiar scenes and feelings in the studio, in addition to making public art, Fu painted "General Hsieh". "General Hsieh "highlights the folk beliefs, the colors are distinct, the unique shape, the overlap and the rhythm of the body are perfectly matched, with great sound and light effects and time pulsation.