Alixe Fu 傅慶豊
印第安女人 Indian Woman, 1991
Oil on canvas
14 x 24 cm
聖德尼系列(1987-1991) 1988年7月傅慶豊夫婦從巴黎北站搬進北郊的聖德尼市(Saint-Denis)噴泉街50平方米舊式公寓生活並當工作室畫,畫家/藝評家陳英德在"展現想像與表現的傅慶豊繪畫"文章????說「他留法所作上承了台灣時期的基本風格⋯生活環境的變遷顯然也改變了他畫作的表現。人仍然是他畫作的主題。強烈的扭曲人體,有誇張的臃腫軀幹,擠扁一處的臉孔⋯挾隘地窖的人,眼睛卻幽靈般的注視著我們⋯」這時期畫了很多重要的作品。三年多後1991年9月搬到梵谷村。 Saint-Denis series (1987-1991) In July 1988, Fu and his wife moved to an old-style, 50-square-meter apartment in northern suburbs Saint-Denis and painted there as a studio. Art critic...
聖德尼系列(1987-1991) 1988年7月傅慶豊夫婦從巴黎北站搬進北郊的聖德尼市(Saint-Denis)噴泉街50平方米舊式公寓生活並當工作室畫,畫家/藝評家陳英德在"展現想像與表現的傅慶豊繪畫"文章????說「他留法所作上承了台灣時期的基本風格⋯生活環境的變遷顯然也改變了他畫作的表現。人仍然是他畫作的主題。強烈的扭曲人體,有誇張的臃腫軀幹,擠扁一處的臉孔⋯挾隘地窖的人,眼睛卻幽靈般的注視著我們⋯」這時期畫了很多重要的作品。三年多後1991年9月搬到梵谷村。
Saint-Denis series (1987-1991) In July 1988, Fu and his wife moved to an old-style, 50-square-meter apartment in northern suburbs Saint-Denis and painted there as a studio. Art critic Chen Yingde said in the article "Fu's Paintings Show Imagination and Performance", "His work in France can see the basic style of Taiwan. Changes in the living environment have changed the style of his paintings. Human is still the theme of his paintings. The strongly distorted human body, with an exaggerated bloated torso, squeezing in the face, but the eyes are watching us in a ghostly manner." During this period, many representative works were painted. here years later, he moved to Van Gogh Village in September 1991.
Saint-Denis series (1987-1991) In July 1988, Fu and his wife moved to an old-style, 50-square-meter apartment in northern suburbs Saint-Denis and painted there as a studio. Art critic Chen Yingde said in the article "Fu's Paintings Show Imagination and Performance", "His work in France can see the basic style of Taiwan. Changes in the living environment have changed the style of his paintings. Human is still the theme of his paintings. The strongly distorted human body, with an exaggerated bloated torso, squeezing in the face, but the eyes are watching us in a ghostly manner." During this period, many representative works were painted. here years later, he moved to Van Gogh Village in September 1991.