Lin Fengmian 林風眠
Fishing Village, circa. 1950s - 1960s
Oil on Canvas
78 x 80 cm
31 1/2 x 30 3/4 in
31 1/2 x 30 3/4 in
林風眠個性樸實熱情,常去郊區農村采風,畫了不少田間勞動和秋收之類的圖畫,對生活進行 藝術的再改造。在這些作品中,他注重人物主體的動態概括,使之既有情節,又有豐富的變化, 追求一定的裝飾性,放鬆對細節的刻畫。 遠處的帆船搖曳,近處的魚躍歡騰,在金色的夕陽餘暉中散發著祥和的光芒,象徵著風調雨順、 豐收富足的美好寓意。作品採用林風眠所喜愛的「方形布陣」方式構圖,總體畫面以散點透視 重視平面構成,而不以透視法塑造遠近的比例,採用交織的線條及色塊的重疊來展示畫面的深 遠。筆下的人物以色塊為主體,造型變形及誇張、抽象幾何化,塊面堆積成結構,繼而形成富 有建築感的豐富層次。 A down-to-earth man with an appetite for life, Lin Fengmian travelled to the rustic countryside often to capture the sight of farmers...
A down-to-earth man with an appetite for life, Lin Fengmian travelled to the rustic countryside often to
capture the sight of farmers labouring in the field and fall harvests in his many paintings. He heeded the
silhouette movement of the characters to give his work a storyline and rich variations, ensuring specific
decorativeness of the work, while taking a step back from overdramatised detailing.
The sailboats afar rock gently, and the fish in the foreground leap in joy and bask in the golden twilight,
radiating peacefulness. The work symbolised favourable weather and abundance. This piece is
composed in Lin's signature 'square format': the presentation in its entirety is characterised by the
cavalier perspective over the surface, instead of more defined proportions of distances with perspective.
Interlacing lines and overlapping colour blocks are used to dimensionalise the depths of the composition.
The characters in his works are centred by coloured blocks, metamorphosed and exaggerated in shapes
to be more abstract and geometric. Lin Fengmian reassembled the geometric blocks to be restructured.
The result is a rich strata of architectural effect.
A down-to-earth man with an appetite for life, Lin Fengmian travelled to the rustic countryside often to
capture the sight of farmers labouring in the field and fall harvests in his many paintings. He heeded the
silhouette movement of the characters to give his work a storyline and rich variations, ensuring specific
decorativeness of the work, while taking a step back from overdramatised detailing.
The sailboats afar rock gently, and the fish in the foreground leap in joy and bask in the golden twilight,
radiating peacefulness. The work symbolised favourable weather and abundance. This piece is
composed in Lin's signature 'square format': the presentation in its entirety is characterised by the
cavalier perspective over the surface, instead of more defined proportions of distances with perspective.
Interlacing lines and overlapping colour blocks are used to dimensionalise the depths of the composition.
The characters in his works are centred by coloured blocks, metamorphosed and exaggerated in shapes
to be more abstract and geometric. Lin Fengmian reassembled the geometric blocks to be restructured.
The result is a rich strata of architectural effect.